Travel & Day 1 - Arriving in Uganda
After about 40 hours in the airport and on airplanes, We've finally arrived! Our trip started at about 6:00 a.m. on Monday morning when our luggage was loaded onto the college shuttle, we proceeded to San Francisco airport for our first leg of the journey. [more]
Culture is what distinguishes one country from another. This morning we divided up into 3 teams and headed to the market area of Mbarara. Bro. Stensaas gave us an assignment to interact with the local people by going to the different stores and talking to the local merchants. [more]
Day 3 - safari
No trip to Africa would be complete without seeing the beauty of God's creation. Today we had the privilege of going on a safari. Our group left Mbarara at 5:30AM this morning in order to get a chance to see the lions. Not only did we get to see a lion but we saw six... [more]
Day 4 - Soulwinning
By 9:00 we were off to Independent Baptist Church for their soulwinning meeting. Trevor Gilreath gave the soulwinning challenge this morning. After the soulwinning meeting, we divided up into 2 groups... [more]
Day 5 - Sunday
At 8:30 AM, we headed over to Independent Baptist Church for Sunday School and church service. Bro. Robert Mwijuka taught a wonderful lesson from Romans chapter 8. After Sunday School a group went to Ruti Rehabilitation Center with Missionary Tom Tracht [more]
Day 6 - Kyahi and Hospital
Team 1 went to the town of Kyahi. This is the same town the other half of the group went to on Day 4 of the trip. The reason our group did not all go to Kyahi on one day, is to prevent the town from being overwhelmed with too many "muzungu" or white people. [more]
Day 7 - Villages and Public School
People again were very receptive and listened as we handed out tracts and John/Romans Bibles to the villagers, and God allowed us to see souls saved. While out soulwinning, God brought to our path the Deputy Headmaster of Kuhanzya Primary School. [more]
Day 8 - Villages 2
At 10:00 AM our group divided up into 2 groups and switched destinations from yesterday. Mike Moyer, Trevor Gilreath and Jordan Gilreath along with Matt Stensaas headed to Rubindi. Tom Apusen, Mike Strouf, Jen Strouf and Barbara Kiel along with Bro. Bryan Stensaas headed to Ruhunga. [more]