
  • Pastor Fisher has been uniquely used of God as the pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church of Lemon Grove, California. For many years, that church has been known as "the church where the shout has not died out!" He is one of the great preachers of our generation, always delivering powerful, Bible-based messages. He and his church annually host the Lighthouse Leadership Conference.

  • Dr. David Gibbs is a mighty servant of our Lord. He has enjoyed more than forty-five years of marriage and ministry. Since 1965, the Christian Law Association, which he founded, has fought for religious liberty in America. Dr. Gibbs and his wife, Glorianne, have four grown children who love and serve our Lord. They have been blessed with six grandchildren.

  • Dr. Hancock is a beloved preacher in America. He graduated from Tennessee Temple University in 1957 and immediately began pastoring the Providence Baptist Church in Florida. Following an airplane crash in 1967, doctors told him he would never preach again. God miraculously healed him, and Dr. Hancock has faithfully served Him with a contagious enthusiasm ever since. He has authored several books and preaches in different churches across America each week.

  • Dr. Hutson pastors the Middle Tennessee Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He is a fiery Bible preacher with a passion to see churches stay true to their Biblical heritage. He is the only son of the late Dr. Curtis Hutson. His father was a pastor, as well as the second editor of the Sword of the Lord, a worldwide Christian newspaper. Dr. Hutson, and his wife, Tracy, have four children.

  • Dr. Mike Johnson is the fiery, yet compassionate pastor of the Shasta Baptist Church in Redding, California. Following his graduation from Hyles-Anderson College, Pastor Johnson moved with his young family to Redding to plant a church for the glory of God. He has never wavered from that great calling. For the first ten years of GSBC's existence, he travelled every Tuesday morning to help teach and train the next generation of Christian servants. He is a tremendous preacher, teacher, pastor, and man of God.

  • Brother Ray began preaching at the age of fifteen. After graduating from Bible college, he served as Dr. Bob Buchanan's youth pastor in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for seven years. For more than twenty years, he has been the pastor of the Hopewell Baptist Church in Napa, California. He is a great preacher, soul winner, author, and Bible college professor here at Golden State Baptist College. God has blessed him in many areas, and Brother Ray is using those talents for the cause of Christ.

  • Dr. Roberson has pastored the Gospel Light Baptist Church in Walkertown, North Carolina, for more than fifty years. Under his leadership, the church has seen the Sunday school attendance grow from 150 to more than 3,300 people each week. This ministry reflects their pastor's great burden for lost souls, supporting more than 50 bus routes, a daily radio broadcast, and a Christian day school with an enrollment of more than 500.

  • Bro. Ruhl pastors the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Chico, California. This ministry is a thriving family of God, being used in a wonderful way in their community and beyond. For more than twenty years, their church has hosted the Mt. Zion Baptist Christian Camp for thousands of teens and children. He has also taught at Golden State Baptist College every Tuesday for the past fourteen school years. He and his wife, Teri, have four children who all serve on his staff in Chico.

  • Pastor Trieber has been the pastor at North Valley since March 1, 1976. He took over the fledgling church with twenty-two people in the first Sunday evening service. God has blessed this church each year with substantial spiritual and numerical growth. In 1977, the North Valley Baptist Schools were established; and in 1996, Golden State Baptist College was founded to train men and women for full-time ministry. Under his leadership, hundreds of pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and Christian servants have been called and sent forth into the Gospel ministry.

  • God called Bro. Mutchler to start a church in the Portland, Oregon, area in the summer of 1983. After several weeks of personally knocking more than 1,000 doors, Grand View Baptist Church held its first service in September of 1984 with 75 people in attendance. Since that time, the church has been through numerous building projects and has seen incredible growth. High attendance days have topped 4,000 people in one week.

  • Pastor Tomlinson became the pastor of the Liberty Baptist Church of Irvine, California, in September of 1990. In January of 1998, the church relocated to a beautiful new campus in Newport Beach and became debt free. Pastor Tomlinson, with his wife, Gayle, has been used of God to build three thriving independent Baptist churches—two in California and one in Hong Kong, China. All three of these are aggressive, soul-winning, Bible-preaching churches.