Our Staff

Dr. Jack Trieber
Pastor of NVBC | President of GSBCPastor Trieber has been the pastor at North Valley since March 1, 1976. He took over the fledgling church with twenty-two people in the first Sunday evening service. God has blessed this church each year with substantial spiritual and numerical growth. Under his leadership, hundreds of pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and Christian servants have been called and sent forth into the Gospel ministry. Pastor Trieber is featured daily on KNVBC Revival Radio.

Cindie Trieber
Pastor's WifeBorn into a pastor's home in Rockford, Illinois, Cindie (Swanson) Trieber has been in or around the Gospel ministry her entire life. She was married to Jack Trieber in 1972. Over more than 50 years of ministry, Mrs. Trieber has served in almost every capacity imaginable. Currently, the Triebers have three children and fourteen grandchildren.

Christine Apusen
Missions SecretaryMrs. Apusen was born in the Philippines and grew up as a devout Catholic. Her family migrated to the United States in 1985. She came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior in 1987. In 1994, she married Tom Apusen. She stayed home as a full-time mother of three for almost 16 years since the birth of their firstborn in 1997. In 2012, she joined the NVBC staff as a part-time secretary to Bro. Apusen.

Tom Apusen
Filipino PastorBrother Apusen was saved under the preaching of Dr. Curtis Hutson during our first Pastors' & Workers' Conference in 1986. He graduated from Bible college and joined our staff in 1993. He has faithfully served as the Filipino Pastor, seeing spiritual and numerical growth each year in his ministries. He also leads our transportation departments.

Pat Carr
Administrative AssistantMrs. Carr was born and raised in San Francisco where she was saved at the age of 11 at Calvary Baptist Church. She and her family have been members of North Valley Baptist Church since 1982. Mrs. Carr has worked in various ministries on the church staff since then. She is presently a receptionist and typist for Pastor Trieber.

John Evertson
Assistant PastorIn June 2000, after graduating from Golden State Baptist College, John Evertson answered the call to pastor West Valley Baptist Church in Woodland, California. After 19 years, God moved Pastor and Mrs. Evertson to Santa Clara. Pastor Evertson is instrumental in the church and serves as the Campus Pastor for Golden State Baptist College to help guide the future servants of God. Pastor & Mrs. Evertson have four children — Josiah, Jeremiah, Joy, and Joshua.

Luke Flood
Bus DirectorLuke Flood is a true product of North Valley Baptist Church. Having grown up in a wonderful Christian family, he had the privilege of attending North Valley Baptist Schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. After graduation, he attended Golden State Baptist College where he earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He currently serves on staff as the bus director and is responsible for seeing hundreds of people in church on a weekly basis.

Jein Fuller
Media DepartmentJein Fuller and her family migrated from the Philippines to the United States in 2010. They grew up as Catholics, but through the Bus Ministry of North Valley, they came to know Christ as their Savior on Easter of 2013. She was given the opportunity to finish high school at NVBS, and shortly after graduating college at GSBC, she joined the NVBC staff and began working in the Media Department.

Caleb Galvan
Lead PianistCaleb graduated from Golden State Baptist College in 2015 and began on staff on August 1, 2017. He is now a music professor at GSBC and the lead pianist for the services at North Valley. He and his wife, Maria, have two children: Clarabelle and Nicolas.

Madison Hussin
Media DepartmentMadison was born and raised in Santa Clara, CA. She attended NVBS from kindergarten to graduation and is currently studying Secondary Education at Golden State Baptist College. She was hired into our Media Department following her junior year.

Melissa Lico
North Valley PublicationsMelissa grew up in Newark, CA, until her family moved closer to NVBC in 2011. She attended NVBS from 5th grade through graduation. In 2017, she graduated with her bachelor’s degree from GSBC and joined the staff at North Valley Publications. She received her master’s degree in music from GSBC in 2018.

Alvin Martinez
Assistant PastorBro. Martinez came to the United States in 1996 to attend Golden State Baptist College. He joined our staff in the maintenance department that year. In 2006, he joined the pastoral staff and started the Lifeline Bible Class, which now averages over 180 in attendance every week. He also teaches an Evening School of the Bible. He and his wife, Theresa, have one daughter, Brooke.

Theresa Martinez
Business OfficeTheresa graduated from Golden State Baptist College in 2001 and married Alvin Martinez. She began serving in our business office that same year. She and her husband have one daughter, Brooke.

Aaron Moyer
Media DepartmentAaron Moyer grew up in Santa Clara, CA, and attended NVBS from kindergarten to graduation. He graduated from Golden State Baptist College, where he studied Missions. He was hired into our Media Department his sophomore year.

Mike Moyer
Media Director | IT DirectorBrother Moyer finished his undergraduate degree at Golden State Baptist College in 2000. After earning his master's degree in 2001, he joined our staff in the graphic design department. He now oversees all the ministry technology, which has grown to include all ministry websites, live streaming, Revival Time radio broadcast, KNVBC Radio, IT Department, sound ministry, and much more.

Kevin Padillo
Maintenance and FacilitiesKevin Padillo grew up in Manteca, California. He met his wife, Sabrina at GSBC. Since 2006, Bro. Padillo has served in our Facilities Department. He is a gifted servant who fulfills a variety of roles in our ministry. He and his wife have been blessed with four children.

Andrew Reimers
NV Publications Director | Sunday School DirectorHaving grown up in a wonderful Christian home, Brother Reimers was saved at an early age. After high school, he moved from Meriden, Connecticut, to attend Golden State Baptist College in 2009. Following graduation, he married his wife Joy and joined the church staff as Director of North Valley Publications.

Hannah Joy Reimers
North Valley Publications Administrative AssistantHaving attended North Valley since the age of three, Joy was saved and brought up in this ministry. She graduated from NVBS, married Andrew Reimers in 2014, graduated from GSBC, and joined our staff full-time as an administrative assistant for the church and North Valley Publications.

Kristyn Romero
North Valley Publications | Accounts PayableKristyn was raised in Pennsylvania until the age of eighteen, when she came to Golden State Baptist College. She joined our staff in 2013, graduated in 2014, and was married to Eliud Romero in 2015. She currently works on new projects and accounting for North Valley Publications, and also works in the accounts payable department of our finance office.

Rosa Sarabia
Assistant to the PastorMrs. Sarabia and her family began attending North Valley Baptist Church in 2002. She accepted the Lord as her Savior on Christmas Eve 2003. She was blessed to join the church office staff in 2023, where she serves to assist Pastor Trieber and provide church office support.

Fred Slye
Business ManagerAs a single military man, Brother Slye began attending NVBC. Not long after, he was married, and in 1985 he came on staff as the maintenance director for the church. His responsibilities have varied through the years. For the past many years, he has served as the business manager, overseeing the finances for this entire ministry.

Sandie Slye
Finance OfficeThe Slyes have been an integral part of North Valley for twenty years. Mrs. Slye joined the staff of North Valley in 1986. She first worked as a church receptionist and secretary then taught in our high school for nine years. Now, she assists her husband in the finance department. All three of the Slyes' children have been born while they have served at North Valley.