The Sunday school ministry of North Valley Baptist Church is designed to connect you with a class that is relevant to your current stage of life. With over ten adult classes to choose from, you are sure to find a teacher and class members who will help you get connected. All of our adult Bible classes begin promptly at 9:45 a.m.
Adult Sunday School
Single Adult Classes

Crossroads Bible Class
Chris Fanara This class is designed specifically for college-age young people as they transition from high school into adulthood.- Room 214 (GSBC Building)
- Ages 18-27

Golden State Bible Class
Lankford Oxendine This class is for Golden State Baptist College students from around the nation.- Room Main Auditorium
- Ages 18-23

Single Purpose Bible Class
Mohfai Hussin Mohfai & Christina Hussin have a strong desire to minister to singles in the early phase of their careers and provide opportunities for good Christian fellowship.- Room 210 (Main Auditorium)
- Ages 27-40
Couples Class

Two Committed Couples Class
Pastor and Mrs. Trieber This class for engaged and young married couples will help meet the unique needs of this segment of our church.- Room Golden Grille
- Ages 20's & Early 30's
Cultural Classes

Filipino Bible Class
Filipino Pastor Tom Apusen This class is for people from the land of the Philippines. Tom & Christine Apusen have faithfully served these wonderful people for nearly two decades.- Room College Chapel
- Ages 18+

Indian Bible Class
Raj Matangi Bro. Raj Matangi teaches this class for Indian adults. He and his wife have been ministering to this class for over a decade.- Room 204 (Main Auditorium)
- Ages 18+

Spanish Ministry
Spanish Pastor David Sloan Join us in this needful ministry under the leadership of our Spanish pastor, Bro. David Sloan.- Room 941 Clyde Ave.
- Ages All ages welcome

Korean Bible Class
Isaac Kim Bro. Isaac Kim teaches this class for Korean adults. He and his wife are faithful members of NVBC. This class meets at 12pm, following the morning service.- Room 204 (Main Auditorium)
- Ages 18+

Brazilian Bible Class
Andrew Reimers and Thiago Alves Bro. and Mrs. Reimers and Bro. and Mrs. Alves work together to oversee and teach this exciting class for those in our church who have come from the nation of Brazil.- Room Golden Grille
- Ages 18+
Classes for All Adults

Lifeline Bible Class
Alvin Martinez The Lifeline Bible Class was established to reach new Christians, teaching them the life-transforming truths of God's Word. ASL interpreter available.- Room 2nd Floor Commons
- Ages 18+

Tabernacle Bible Class
John Evertson Adults of all ages will enjoy the Christian fellowship, revival singing, and stirring Bible teaching in the Tabernacle Bible Class.- Room Youth Auditorium (GSBC Building)
- Ages 18+

Victory Bible Class
Fred Slye This class will provide adults of all ages with helpful principles from God's Word to apply to daily life.- Room Choir Practice Room (Main Auditorium)
- Ages 30+

Heritage Bible Class
Chad Ith This class is designed for seasoned Christians and provides enriching biblical teaching and encouraging fellowship and activities.- Room Main Auditorium Lobby
- Ages 55+
Sunday Evening Class

Sunday Evening School of the Bible
Alvin Martinez This class meets at 5:15 pm for a time of Bible teaching, fellowship, and encouragement.- Room Commons Conference Room
- Ages 18+